WIT White Willi

WIT White Willi

Born 6 September 2009, Germany

Color: Beige

Description: Outstanding male from German breeder, category AZVD AAA


WIT White Willi Peruvian Maple Brook Nomar (Light Fawn) Peruvian Bueno (White)
Peruvian Leonor (Dark Fawn)
QAI Blanche (White) Chile

In 2010, at the German Alpakashow OST he was chosen as – The Best of Show.

In 2011, he won the title of Color Grand Champion at Bayeruth and in 2012 won the title of Color Grand Champion at AZVD (Alpaca Breed Association Germany).

He is the son of Peruvian Maple Brook Nomar and grandson of the great Peruvian Bueno.


 Year  Micron  SD  CV  >30  MC
 2010  17,4  3,7  21,4%  0,3%  50,5
 2011  16,2  4,0  24,4%  0,1%  57,5
 2012  19,9  3,7  19,3%  0,7%
 2013  18,7  3,7  19,0%  0,6%  46,2
 2014  20,5  4,1  19,9%  2,7%  47,4
 2016  22,5  4,2  18,6%  4,5%  39,7


Coniraya White Boss

AoC White Wilma

AoC White Kiri

AoC White Leon

AoC White Katleja

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