Our Alpacas

Coniraya Klara

Born 20 August 2020, Poland

Father:  Stoneleigh Icon

Mother: AV Benz Kim (daughter Greenstone Mars)

Color: White

DNA coloration test results: eeAa³

Genetic lineage: Peru – New Zealand – Australia


Coniraya Klara Stoneleigh Icon (White) Stoneleigh Valentino (White) Snowmass Uncontended Royality (White) 6Peruvian Monarch IMPR98 (White)
Snowmass Chrystal Bouquet (White)
Benleigh Sierra Royale (White) Benleigh Bellisimo (White)
Benleigh Sierra Lass (White)
Stoneleigh Flamboyance (White) Jolimont Warrior (White) Jolimont Conquistador (White)
Jolimont Marilu (Medium Fawn)
Benleigh Flamenco (White) Benleigh Bellisimo (White)
Benleigh Flame (Light Fawn)
AV Benz Kim (Light Fawn) Greenstone Mars (Light Fawn) Aquaviva Titus (Medium Fawn) ILR Alpine Fibers Brutus (White)
Eringa Park Aroma (Medium Fawn)
Greenstone Vesta (Dark Fawn) ILR Alpine Fibers Brutus (White)
EP Cambridge Cartania (White)
Ambersun Kokoda (White) Fine Choice Peruvian Poncho (White) NN – Peruvian Sire
NN – Peruvian Dam
Ambersun Auze Digger (Dark Fawn) ILR Peruvian Auzengate (White)
Suricaya Honey (Medium Fawn)


Year Microns SD CV >30 MC
2022 20,1 3,5 17,4% 0,3% 41,7
2023 19,3 3,2 16,7% 0,1% 55,2


Klara’s lineage goes back to exceptional peruvian roots  Snowmass Snowbell,  Peruvian Hemingway, 6peruvian Monarch, to famous males Jolimont Conquistador and towards present icon of Newzealand Breeders Stoneleigh Valentino.

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